Blogs GR10 2005
Blog Page 2 - messages sent back from internet cafes on the trail

"First 5 days completed - only another 50 days to go! We both feel fit and keen and have slipped in to the daily walking routine. Two 'hard' days are already behind us - one of the most difficult and dangerous descents and a long climb, ridge walk and descent. Overnight accommodation in gites d'etape (bunkhouses) has been excellent. Two days of stifling heat (up to 36C) have been an added challenge. We now have a rest day before 6 days of walking in to the high mountains and our next break." - 21st June

"It's still very warm, but we're on schedule and really feeling in the groove. Sue is losing a few toenails here and there - they must have a use, but she isn't really missing them... We're in Lescun, and heading into a five-day stretch with little contact with the outside world - three of the days will involve Ben Nevis-sized climbs." - 29th June