Photos Alps Week 3

Photos Week 3 - Refuge du Nant-Borrant to Refuge de la Leisse

Day 11 provided one of the highlights of the walk traversing the Crête des Gittes with panoramic views in all directions ... and some good fortune as the following days the ridge was shrouded in fog and swept by rain and wind. Our second rest day at the Refuge de la Balme gave us the chance to climb up to the Lac de Presset still covered in ice and snow at the beginning of July. From there we could see our next massif, the Vanoise but leaden skies, cold temperatures and occasional snow dogged us all the way to the Refuge du Col de Palet at the end of Day 15. Fortunately the sun shone brightly on the snow for the next day and our highest planned col, the Col de la Leisse.

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