Pete's Blog Alps 2007

Pete's Blog - Week 7(b)
The mountains at the col were softer than usual, like scree covered pyramids with skirts of multicoloured, crumbling cliffs. The weird and colourful rock shapes reminded us a little of Monument Valley. There were chamois and flocks of golden eagles and griffon vultures at the col. We soon, however, came upon a pair of very rare lammergeier vultures ( gypaètes barbus ), the first we had seen or heard on our trek. The gîte was a long, converted cowshed in beautiful surroundings but with cold showers!
It was a long descent the next day into St. Sauveur sur Tinée ( 496m ), our lowest point for some time. It got hotter and hotter as we lost height and although the cliff side village of Roure ( 1096m ) looked inviting we kept on going and enjoyed a welcome late lunch in St. Sauveur. It was here that Sue's cousin, Andrew, joined us without rucksack. BA had lost it! He did, however, get it sent on to him at our next stop. Cont - 7c