Pete's Blog Alps 2007

Pete's Blog - Week 8(a)
As we left the Refuge de Madone de Fenestre ( 1903m ) we knew we were in for a hard day's walking : the refuge we had planned to stay at was closed for refurbishment. We were now heading for the Refuge de Valmasque ( 2027m ) via the Pas de Mont Colomb ( 2548m ) and the Baisse du Basto ( 2693m ) and this was a very rugged high mountain trail. The climb up to and down from the first pass, which was a small cleft in the cliffs, was very steep and some scrambling was needed. We were now in a high valley full of lakes and it was impossible to see how we could climb out. The second col was just as hard as the first, especially with tired legs! The path down was through a huge boulder field and over an hour of 'rock hopping' was needed to reach the valley bottom. The valley that led to the lakeside refuge, passing several lakes, was full of bouquetin and chamois that seemed to have very little fear of us. It was an exhausting but wonderful day. Cont - 8b