Tanzania 2010 Choosing a Travel Firm

We considered 3 main providers for our visit - Exodus, Explore and ATR (African Travel Resource). Our final decision to go with Exodus was based on previous excellent experience in Iceland plus the fact that there is a loyalty bonus reduction once you undertake 3 trips with the firm! It did not reflect dissatisfaction with offers from the other companies. What we did not explore were any of the cheaper options as we felt that as we are in our 60s we needed the certainty of a firm with a top-class international reputation.
From the outset we received comprehensive information and all our enquiries were handled expertly and promptly by Exodus staff in England. When a large flight surcharge of £300 per person was forced upon us by the air company Exodus accepted our alternative flight options and then arranged all our extra needs such as accommodation for our arrival. Throughout the whole trip travel, accommodation and link schedules went like clockwork and the locally based staff were efficient and friendly at all times.
Once you have booked we would strongly recommend using the Compass Cafe Forum offered on the Exodus website. This enables you both to read comments from others who have been on previous trips, find out their questions and the answers they have received and also gives you the chance to make contact with other members of your group before you leave.