Photos Tanzania 2010 Main Page

The photos are in 3 main sections - a general introduction to Tanzania, the safari experience and our attempt to reach the summit of Kilimanjaro. In a few cases we have used photos and Youtube video links taken by our colleagues on the trip - our many thanks to them.

Select a theme to get some background information. Any text highlighted in blue gives a link to additional web page information. Then click on the tab at the bottom and when the Picasa screen opens click on Slideshow and the photos will run through. If you use the Full Screen option you will need to move the cursor to the top of the screen to be able to exit this tab.

Introduction to Tanzania .... Commentary and photos
Safari Background ............. Commentary and photos
Safari Non-mammals ....... Commentary and Photos
Safari Mammals ................. Commentary and Photos
Kilimanjaro Days 1 - 4 ...... Commentary and Photos
Kilimanjaro Days 5 - 8 ...... Commentary and Photos