Routes Alps 2007 Week 2

Route Week 2

Date .............................. Staying At ........................... Distance ........... Height .... Amount of 'up and down'

June 24th ...................... Salvagny ............................. 14km ................ 850m ............... 1310m
June 25th ............. Refuge Alfred Wills .................... 14km ............... 1808m ............. 1040m
June 26th ..................................... ' Rest Day ' ( 1/2 day walk to Lac d'Anterne )......................
June 27th .......... Refuge de Bel-Lachat .................. 20km ............... 2151m ............. 2413m
June 28th ................... Les Houches .......................... 7km ............... 1008m ............. 1143m
June 29th ............... Chalets de Miage ................... 15.5km ............. 1559m ............. 1673m
June 30th ......... Refuge du Nant-Borrant ................ 13km ...............1460m ............. 1157m

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