Jurassic Coast 2007 Home Page

Although we had done many individual day walks along parts of the coast near to home we had never put together a whole series of days until April 2007. With a view to walking the entire coast path in time we thought we would begin with what we thought might be the least interesting section - how wrong could we be! Parts we had never walked before like the Chesil Beach section proved really interesting ... and the totality of the Jurassic Coast geological experience proved so much greater then the sum of the parts.

Click on the Geology tab for a brief summary of the geological background to the Jurassic Coast.
Click on the Slideshow tab to find out about the presentation we give on 'A Walk through History'
Click on the Useful Links tab to find out about helpful books and websites in addition to those highlighted in the photo sections
Click on the Photos tab to find links to 4 sets of photos covering the whole walk

The photo at the head of our Jurassic Coast pages is of Durdle Door near Lulworth in Dorset